Etiquette for invitations is as different as the occasions for which they are used. Every event has a unique quality that, you as the host, would like to show off. Using proper invitations will help to create the atmosphere before it all even starts.
The common thread that all invitations hold is the fact that
they need to be written, addressed and sent at the appropriate time.
With a little planning and organization the process will be streamlined
for you.
The first thing that needs to be decided is the type of invitation you will send. Will you buy a pre-printed packaged set, or will you design and create your own. Either one is proper for invitations. The most important part of the invitation is the content, as this is where all of the information is located. The etiquette for invitations will include the following....
Timing is everything with invitation manners. Depending on the event, your guests will need time to make arrangements. With formal events, such as weddings, send the invitations 8 weeks in advance. This will give your guests, especially those who need to make travel arrangements, enough time to plan. With events that are not so formal in nature, 2-3 weeks is plenty of time. Use your best know your guests and what they need.
Guests like it when you include a little note with your invitation. It makes it more personal.
Invitation address etiquette calls for, first and foremost, spelling your guests' names correctly. I have always loved receiving an invitation when my name is misspelled. It sure makes it feel like the person inviting me really wants me to be there... not really. Next, be sure to use the guests proper titles. With doctors, it is appropriate to use "Dr. and Mrs. Ed O'Neil" for the address. For the address itself, spell everything out. Do not use abbreviations. It is good etiquette plain and simple.
Good envelope etiquette with invitations is taking the time to hand address each one. This shows a sweet personal touch...and you can make sure everything is right on each one.
There are times when email etiquette for an invitation is acceptable. Etiquette for invitations used this way calls for the same list of details as outlined above. For those of us attached to our computers, it is an effective way to blast out an invitation for a dinner, block or birthday party. Some bride and grooms use emails as their 'save the date'.
Invitations can be fun, simple and a great way to start off your event. Everyone loves to receive an invitation for something special. Using your manners when inviting your guests will give your event the "you don't want to miss this one" atmosphere.