Hat etiquette is all about how to wear a hat without offending others. What? You mean that it is possible to wear a hat somewhere and it bothers people? If you are asking that question, then you definitely need to know the information on this page!
First of all, you need to be aware of where you are wearing your hat. I find it really offensive when people wear a hat inside a religious location. It is disrespectful to the religion when people do this. Maybe I am old-fashioned, but it does show a lack of respect.
If you are going to a religious building, I would recommend not wearing a hat at all, or take it off when you go inside. Whether you believe in the religion or not, it shows proper respect and people will appreciate it.
place where it is important to have proper hat manners is at the movie
theater. Have you ever sat behind someone that had a large hat and it
was difficult to see around them? I have had that happen and I did not
appreciate it. The theater is another place to remove the hat or not
wear one at all.
I realize that with many kids right now, it is a fashion statement to wear a cap off to the side or some other similar way. This is a pet peeve of mine because they look like they didn't care how they looked when they left the house. I know other people that have said when someone wears their hat like that, the person looks uneducated. Although it really has nothing to do with etiquette, I would recommend wearing your hat the right way. Otherwise, people might get the wrong impression.
If you are at a sporting event and the national anthem is being played, it is respectful to remove the hat. This is another one of those things that many people forget.
Although it is not required, it is great gesture for a man to tip his hat to a woman as a sign of respect. This is another way that proper hat etiquette can make a difference in how people perceive you. If you take the time to notice a woman like that (especially in today's society) that makes such a larger impression than a "pick-up line" that they are accustomed to.
Like many other areas in life, it is these small touches that make the largest difference. Yes, how you wear your hat definitely impacts the way that people perceive you and think of you.