My husband gave me a 10th anniversary wedding gift. Do I also get him a gift for our anniversary?

My husband gave me a 10th anniversary wedding gift. Do I also get him a gift for our anniversary?

by Terry Cross
(Charlotte, NC USA)

We usually do not exchange gifts for our wedding anniversary. As a matter of fact, we both have to check the date to make sure we say Happy Anniversary and give each other cards on the correct day. This year my husband got me a necklace today for our anniversary. I do not want him to feel left out. What is the etiquette regarding gift exchanges on wedding anniversaries?

Aug 19, 2011
Wedding Anniversary Gifts
by: Kevin (Modern Manners and Etiquette)

Traditionally, it is common for couples to exchange gifts on their anniversary date. It is a gesture to show love, appreciation, and that you are thinking of them.

Every couple has their own traditions and ways that they celebrate their anniversaries. Do you have to give him a gift? No, but I highly recommend it...especially if you would like to have another anniversary the following year. :-)

This issue really goes a lot deeper than just giving someone a gift. If you are married to the love of your life and you appreciate them, you want to show it. The more you show it, the more it is reciprocated by your husband and the relationship grows and flourishes.

There are way too many marriages that end in divorce because people simply forget to show their love to their spouse. I highly recommend that you show that love more than once a year on your anniversary but this is certainly a good start!

Hope that helps.

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